CSW’s Package Prototypes Featured in Digital Output Magazine
CSW’s package prototyping capabilities are profiled in the April 2017 issue of Digital Output. The article features commentary by CSW Technical Director Marek Skrzynski, and uses a recently completed project as an example of how we fold digital print into…
CSW Expanded Gamut Case Study in packagePRINTING
CSW is featured in the December 2015 issue of packagePRINTING The article details how we were able to coordinate the transition of Nestle Waters NA flexo packaging to expanded gamut printing. You can read the whole story on the packagePRINTING website, but here…
Holes in the Expanding World of Flexo
FLEXO magazine has just published our article about how the right plate material with specific surface engineering can improve not only opacity and mottle factor, but also color gamut volume – efficiently and cost effectively. It’s an extension of last…
Research Behind WhiteFX™ Featured in Flexo
Did you miss our White Matrix presentation at FFTA Forum in Baltimore? Don’t worry, you can read all about it on page 53 of this month’s FLEXO magazine, in print and online:
CSW Bridge / Bridge Premedia makes complex prototypes
Check it out! CSW Bridge / Bridge Premedia was part of the product focus feature in Package Design Magazine’s December issue.
CSW Bridge / Bridge Premedia featured in Package Design magazine
We’ve been busy, busy here at CSW Bridge / Bridge Premedia, so we apologize for the radio silence. We do want to let you know that Package Design magazine gave us a shout-out in their 2013 Awards issue. Did you…